Project Athena - Day 274 (Fences)

Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?

I remember as a small child receiving a book entitled "Little Book of Proverbs" as a gift from my Granny. There was one proverb in particular that stood out for me and I pondered on it for many years of my life, "Good fences make good neighbors." As a 10 year old, I really could not make sense of this ambiguous metaphor that seemed to be suggesting both fencing someone in and fencing someone out. I could sense the inherent tension in this little saying even at a young age. It seemed to be advising me to set boundaries while at the same time to be gracious and welcoming without offering any practical way of how to go about this.

Over the years, I have reexamined the value of this piece of wisdom. At times I have rejected it completely, concluding it had no prudence for my life. Other times, I have found it useful in spite of its contradictory nature.

Today, I understand this saying as simply a strategy for dealing with life and the emotional ramifications of living in community with human kind. Fences come and go. Walls are built and torn down. At times, they are a metaphor for respect, responsibility and maturity. Other times, they are illusionary barriers to ward off fear and vulnerability.

It should be an interesting week exploring fences...both internal and external.

Split Rail Fence

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 93.2mm • F/10 • 1/60s • ISO 200

Project Athena - Day 270 (Freebie)

Wood and Ice

It was a chilly, crisp day for shooting when the sun finally peaked through the blanket of clouds in the late afternoon. I was able to pull away from work, take a drive into the foothills and try out the new camera in 10˚ temps. She did great! It feels really satisfying to be cultivating a relationship with my new sidekick. I am learning more about her capabilities every time I pick her up and she continues to amaze me. Granted, we are still in the honeymoon phase but with spring coming, the days getting longer and the time change on the horizon, there is gonna be a whole lot of getting to know each other. Winky, winky.

Icicles Draped on a Wooden Fence

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 66.2mm • F/6.4 • 1/180s • ISO 500

Project Athena - Day 254 (Vanishing Point)

Neighborhood Sidewalk

It's been over seven years now since I moved to Loveland and into this very quiet neighborhood. There are so many things I have come to love about this location such as the view of the city from the foothills, our friendly neighbors, the kids playing in their yards, and the fact that most people pick up their dog's poop. There have been a few misfits over the years, and they have come and gone mostly, like the paranoid lady who called the police several times a day to report slow drivers, cars parked for more than an hour, and neighbors who left a kid's toy in their yard. I think she is Virginia's problem now.

And then there was the loud, drunk chick who had no clue that her voice could carry for several blocks whenever she was outside on her porch slurring her sloppy stories on the phone. Everyone knew everything about her job, her family, her sex life, and her general state of mind.

Last week, in a very bizarre turn of events, a woman was assaulted at knife point while taking her trash to the curb by some random dude. VERY out of place for this peaceful slice of suburbia. Fortunately, (i think) we have a former Navy Seal, SWAT Team member who lives across the street and when the reverse 911 call came in, he strapped on his side arm and secured the perimeter of our house as well as the entire block.

We tend to get a little more snow, wind, and hail pressed up against the hills here on Enchantment Ridge. Still, it's a wonderful place to live and work. Hope you enjoy the view.

Neighborhood Sidewalk, Enchantment Ridge

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 55mm • F/29 • 1/160s • ISO 400

Project Athena - Day 242 (Benches, Seats, Chairs)

Seat Cushions

Are we having fun yet? Feels like today is a good day to pull up a chair and talk about Project Athena. Ok, it will be me talking amongst myselves and you listening in.

Sometimes I feel like I am walking a razor's edge as a creative being. I am attempting to create for the audience appeal and to not really care about the audience and create from that passionate place of pure veritable expression. This project keeps me bouncing back and forth, noticing when I fall into the trap of wanting approval and when I rebel against the conventions.

As a graphic designer, I have been trained to please the client, even when it goes against my sense of beauty or balance or allure. It is hard for me to break the habit of pleasing others. At times, I may have some influence over a client's choices but ultimately, their vision is being brought to life through my technical skills. I recognize that I could make a living as a photographer in the exact manner I that I do as a designer, if I choose...For hire....satisfying a client's wishes....technically work. It's not that this is a bad path. It is a good path for many. And it may even be part of my path at some point.


This project continues to help me get more and more focused, no pun intended. I am clear that I want to create from a different place this time. I simply have to trust that being true to my own creative process and expressing my true essence is already appealing and marketable. So with this faith, I am open to pursuing the field of fine art photography. Even as I write these words, I can feel the fear in my gut. But I just can't pretend to be waffling when in my heart of hearts I know what I want. It's good to say it out loud. And to commit to facing any fears or obstacles that might keep me from going for what I truly want.



Snowy Seat Cushions

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 36mm • F/29 • 1/60s • ISO 400