Porject Athena - Day 297 (Words)


This photo is not exactly what I was set out to capture but it's the best I came away with tonight. Believe it or not, it's a shadow up against the siding of our house. And no, I am not on the pain pill tonight.

Sometimes the best thing to say after a shoot like that is "Huh."

I still love this word because it transports me back to so many Journey events, looking into the eyes of each person who has shown up in complete vulnerability, seeing beyond the personality and physical form,falling into love and the beauty that is each of us. Hmmm...I miss that.

Namasté Shadow

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 43.9mm • F8 • 1/250s • ISO 200

Project Athena - Day 287 (Shadows)

Casting Shadows

This week, studying shadows has truly been a week of studying light. In the words of Lady Gaga, “If you don't have any shadows, you're not in the light.” Several overcast days posed some challenges but I learned that I can cast my own shadows with any sort of light. I was also aware of how fickle shadows are. They come and go in a heartbeat, even when the object or person casting the shadow remains resolute. Finding a position to shoot without casting my own shadow into the frame was probably the most challenging part of this week and I realized that in life, I have often over shadowed the people I love out of my own insecurity. Huh? Hope that is in the past.

Pitchfork Shadow

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 29.3mm • F/4.3 • 1/950s • ISO 200

Project Athena - Day 282 (Shadows)

"Hello Darkness My Old Friend..."

A journey into the dark side of oneself can be very healing. I always know if there is something I am strongly opposed to or someone I can never allow myself to be, it is my shadow side trying to get my attention. These deep seated thoughts and emotions find their way to the surface one way or another and I much prefer it be on my own terms rather than some sort of other than conscious self-destructive behavior.

I am grateful to all the teachers, gurus, masters, modalities and tools that continue to transform, cultivate and heal my life. You know who you are.

Shadows and Bottles

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 38.9mm • F/5 • 1/250s • ISO 640

Project Athena - Day 281 (Shadows)

We All Have a Shadow Side

I will be shooting shadows this week and already I am thinking about one of my favorite teachers in the world of personal transformation, Debbie Ford. Her message was ground breaking as she explored the "internal split that happens for each and every human as they develop and get socialized into a world of conflicts and polarities." (Debbie Ford Website) I am ready to dive into the theme fully.

Playground Shadow

Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 38.9mm • F/22 • 1/170s • ISO 400