Project Athena - Day 345 (Selfie-Care)

Every Experience Changes Us

Inspired by a recent post from Jasmine Iwaskiewicz, I took an inventory of what this back injury has brought and how I am changed.

I Am Changed After Experiencing:
10 days flat on my back
3 Journey processes
2 physical therapists
504 butt stretches
31 inversion treatments
2,641 tears
6 salt baths
8 pain pills
4 muscle relaxants
30 doses of THC/CBD tincture
16 therapeutic walks
24 hours of heat packs
26 hours of ice packs
1 electrical muscle stimulation treatment
11 chiropractor treatments
1 tube of Deep Blue
504 hamstring streches
84 at home physical therapy sessions
2 days of deep despair
3 major setbacks
45 days of gratitude for healing
504 quad stretches
1 Zeke bench press
1/2 Yogi bench press
3 Push Therapy sessions
152 "Rate you pain" answers
1 pedicure
Tender hugs and kisses from my boys
Financial gifts of love and support
Coffee with a friend
Sincere compassion and encouragement
A week long visit from my son
Genuine humility
Waves of shame, fear, unworthiness
Absolute dependency
Frustration beyond words
1452 grunts and moans
67 belly laughs
Calling on all angels and beings for help healing
Determination I didn't know was here
Self preservation strategies at their best and worst
Opening my entire being to ask for and receive help

At Home PT
Fujifilm X-E2 • Fuji XF18-135mm lens • 23.3mm • F/6.4 • 1.8s • ISO 400