Project Athena - Day 291 (Bridges)

Bridge Over Changing Waters

It's winter-like again here in Colorado. Cold, windy, rain and snow mix. So, from the archives of this fall, I pulled this picture that I shot on the CU campus.

As I reflect back on the last six months since shooting this image, I feel both gratitude for all the experiences this project has brought my way and a longing in my heart for something unknown. As my wise mother shared with me last week, "life is not meant to be lived like it is a dress rehearsal. This is it. Every moment of every day is the real deal."

This truth has been having its way with me every since she spoke these words. I am seeing how I currently live my life like I am rehearsing for something to come.  I am absolutely addicted to my comfort zone and while I hear my heart begging me to break free of this, I appease myself with platitudes  like "when the time is will finally get to.....blah, blah, blah."

Underneath all that, I then feel anger, resentment, even rage for marginalizing myself. I can see now how that anger sits under the surface of almost everything I touch. Even this project, at times, has felt like I am practicing for my dream role in life and I keep it small to maintain my comfort level.

I am ready for a shift in my reality. I don't know what it's going to take to start showing up more FULLY in life but I will start with putting out a prayer for this shift to begin now along with a willingness for change. I am asking for courage to be here as I sense there may be some bridges burned in this exciting transformation.

Reflection of Bridge, CU Campus

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 46mm • F/7.1 • 1/30s • ISO 400

Project Athena - Day 133 (Stairs)

Rhythmic Spirals

Progress has not followed a straight ascending line, but a spiral with rhythms of progress and retrogression, of evolution and dissolution.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The grand finale of stairs! Not one, not two, but three spiral staircases on the outside of the Old Main building on the Colorado University campus in Boulder. I could only fit two at a time in my camera frame but I thought this perspective, lying on the sidewalk shooting upward, was more interesting than the standard picture I've seen of these landmark stairs.

Today, I found the CU campus so inspiring and beautiful, I may even add it as a theme unto itself. The fall foliage was vibrant and fiery, the diversity of people stimulating, and the a architecture fascinating.

Spiral Stairs at Old Main Building, CU, BoulderNikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 18mm • F/7.1 • 1/40s • ISO 400

Spiral Stairs at Old Main Building, CU, Boulder

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 18mm • F/7.1 • 1/40s • ISO 400