Project Athena - Day 66 (Trees)

The Oval...

Except during the nine months before he draws his first breath,
no man manages his affairs as well as a tree does.
— George Bernard Shaw

The infamous oval at Colorado State University is truly a landmark in its own right. It is abundant with stately, beautiful trees that shade the walkways that arrive from various parts of campus to intersect under the canopy of green and brown. All this within one epic oval.

No matter the season, this beloved location showcases its spectacular trees with splendor and provides a marvelous refuge for students and visitors alike.

CSU Oval, Fort Collins, CO

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 55mm • F/5.6 • 1/250s • ISO 2800

Project Athena - Day 65 (Trees)

Lessons from Trees

God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying, “Ah!”
— Joseph Campbell

I walked among the trees this evening listening to their prudence. I always seem to garner some great wisdom from them as they whisper messages through their expressive leaves and occasional creaking trunks.

This couple had a lot to say about resilience. They weathered a great flood almost a year ago. As you can see, it almost took them down. But they don't seem to know that. They just keep growing next to each other undaunted by their now awkward angle. They don't protest about the rocks deposited at their base. The wear the scars in their trunks with indifference despite the trauma of being assaulted by perilous debris that rushed through six foot high waters. There is no sad story replaying about how a free flowing river they once loved betrayed them and became their adversary.

I never heard them complain about, blame, or project onto each other. I never heard them criticize themselves or talk about their fear or expectations of their future. They just were. Happy. Holding branches. And smiling...

Resilient Tree, Poudre River Trail

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 18mm • F/22 • 1/6s • ISO 3200

Project Athena - Day 64 (Trees)

If This Tree Could Talk...

Went out to shoot the super moon tonight and Athena had a different idea...This stately cotton wood tree wanted her picture taken. Her trunk is as wide as my car is long. I wonder how many super moons she has watched rise over this horizon?

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.
— Alice Walker

Great Cottonwood, CO

Nikon D3200 • Nikon 18-55mm lens • 38mm • F/32 • 1/2s • ISO 3200